Ball Machine
The club has a Spinfire Pro v2 ball machine available for the use of members. It’s great for hitting ball after ball in order to improve your favourite shots!
Ball machines make it easy to practice a wide range of shots, test yourself with a variety of pace, spin and elevation, plus extend your mobility and fitness with practice drills.
The club offers members a ‘Ball Machine Pass’ which allows up to three bookings of the ball machine per week for a yearly cost of only £50.
Please contact to arrange your pass.
Alternatively the ball machine can be booked out via ClubSpark for £8 per hour. To book out the ball machine please click here -please book for a full hour.
You can reserve the ball machine in the same way that you would book a court.
You will also need to select and book out the court you wish to play on – we recommend that you use either Courts 5 or 6 when hitting with the ball machine.
If you are a ‘Ball Machine Pass’ holder, the court and ball machine booking procedure on ClubSpark is as follows;
- In the ‘View my Bookings’ dropdown select ‘View as Ball Machine Pass Holder’
- Book out the ball machine for the required time
- In the ‘View my Bookings’ dropdown select ‘View as Member’
- Book the court you wish to use.
This will enable you to book the court and the ball machine at no additional charge.
The ball machine is straightforward to use.
- Using the carry handle take the ball machine to the baseline and line up on the centre of the court.
- Ensure the bucket is filled with balls.
- Press the ‘Power Button’ to turn the machine on.
- Go to the other end of the court with your racket and the ball machine remote
- Click ‘Feed’ to start.
- You can use the various settings to control spin, speed, elevation, drills etc.
- Once finished turn the ball machine off at the power button.
- Return to the clubhouse, place the remote in the slot and plug in ready for the next member to use.
- The Ball Machine is kept in the clubhouse. A key is available to purchase if you don’t already have one.
- The remote control is kept in the key safe in the mens changing room -please email for the code.
- Please can members to ensure that they plug the machine in and remember to leave the remote control in the key safe.
- Balls for the ball machine are kept next to the machine in the ball bucket
- A copy of the ball machine instruction guide is kept next to the machine.
Before using the ball machine for the first time members should have a brief induction session with a member of the committee or a coach in order that they are able to use the ball machine correctly and safely. The induction will cover;
- Booking Procedure
- Health and Safety
- Machine programming and Use
- Remote Control
- Charging
- Care
Please contact or a coach in order to book a session.
- Please treat the ball machine with respect.
- The Ball Machine may be used between 8:00 a.m and 8pm.
- The Ball Machine to be setup on Courts 5 or 6 if possible.
- Machine to be set up on the centre of the baseline, nearest the entry gate.
- The ball machine is not to be used during rain, drizzle or any time the court is wet.
- Ball machine can be booked out by Adult Members – juniors should be supervised by an adult member at all times.
- Ball Machine to be booked out via Club Spark.
- Unplug carefully (depressing the button on the machine) from the charger and pull it behind you down the ramp from the clubhouse to the court.
- Ball machine must be plugged in when it is put back in the clubhouse.
- The Ball Machine is heavy. Please don’t pick it up.
- Remote Control must be returned and placed in the key safe for the next user.
- Do not walk directly in front of the machine when it is in use.
- Ball machine for use by members only.
- Only use the pressureless balls that can be found either in the ball buckets by the machine or in the machine itself.
- All balls must be picked up and placed back in machine and put back in the Clubhouse within the time allotted for your reservation.
- Users of the ball machine assume all risk, responsibility and liability for injury or damage to person or property arising from use.
- In case of any mechanical problems please contact the Chairman, Secretary or Coach.