A Seasonal Message From The Chair

I think it’s fair to say that 2020 has not been quite what we expected!

That said, it has not all been negative, and I am proud of how we have responded as a Club. There have been lots of challenges this year and the Club has risen to them all – from lockdowns to tier restrictions and lots more besides.

Whilst lockdown brought many problems, it was great to see our members, both adult and juniors, get together to be a part of our virtual rally video, proving that we wouldn’t let a little thing like closing the Club stop us from playing tennis.

Back on court

Even the cancellation of the leagues didn’t get us down as we turned to our friends and neighbours to arrange a series of competitive friendly (!) matches. The Annual Tournament also brought out the competitive spirit with a good level of participation and a high standard of tennis.

Tennis Camps continued, albeit in a slightly different format, with Sean and the coaching team showing their flexibility to adapt to the limitations, whilst at the same time ensuring the safety of everyone involved.

Chris French as Santa

Keeping things moving

Meanwhile, the courts have never been in such good condition thanks to the on-going maintenance by Euroclay and the amazing work of the brilliant team of maintenance volunteers. My sincere thanks to each and every one of you.

Our little act of kindness in donating tennis balls to local charities was a success too; over 94 thousand people have seen the video that BBC East Yorkshire & Lincolnshire posted about it on their Facebook page!

Goodbye 2020, hello 2021!

Thank you to everyone who has been involved with the success of Pocklington Tennis Club in 2020 despite everything that has been thrown at us.

2021 will hopefully be a much easier and better year for us all, especially as we will be marking the Club’s centenary; an amazing milestone and an anniversary worth celebrating. It’s going to be a big year and you can be an important part of it (more info will follow about joining the committee or volunteering in other ways).

Merry Christmas to you all – please stay safe and have a wonderful time. Here’s to 2021!

Chris French signature

Chris French
Chairman, Pocklington Tennis Club