Horsley Trophy 2020
Monday 13 April 2020 @ 6.30pm
Following the success of last year’s Horsley Trophy, the 2020 tournament will again be played under floodlights as our season opener.
The Horsley Trophy is a friendly, mixed tournament but there’s no need to find a partner. You will play with and against various people during the evening, keeping your own score throughout (don’t worry – we’ll keep track so you don’t need to bring a calculator!).
The tournament will culminate with a final played out by the two top scoring men and the two top scoring ladies.
A BBQ and refreshments will also be available.
This event is for members only.
Wimbledon Tickets Draw
Alongside the tournament, we’ll be carrying out the draw for our allocation of Wimbledon tickets – so if you are a paid up member ahead of the draw (deadline Sunday 12 April) and have already opted-in with the LTA, keep your fingers crossed!
If you would like any further information about the above please speak to a member of the committee or email info@pocklingtontennis.com.