Doggy Donation Gets Tails Wagging

As regulars at the Club will know, we soon amass a large collection of tennis balls following league matches, tournaments and other Club events. Whilst these can be used for practice and Club Nights, there comes a time when a number of them are surplus to requirements but it would be a shame to see them go to waste.

As we have done in previous years, we wanted to donate the old balls to a relatively local organisation. In this case, we were approached by Tracey Pennell Watson from Linbee Dog Rehoming and we were only too happy to help.

After thoroughly washing them all, we donated about 100 balls which were collected by Tracey and taken back to their base in Balne, North Yorkshire where Bradley was the first to enjoy them – looking at the video he was extremely pleased to accept the balls on behalf of all his mates.

Following the video appearing on the Club’s social media channels, it has subsequently been used on the BBC East Yorkshire & Linconshire Facebook page where it has had over 90,000 views – great coverage for both Linbee and the Club.

Hopefully the dogs will enjoy chasing the balls around just as much as we have!